Interested in a career in real estate appraisals?  Many people considering entering into a career in real property appraisals ask about the type of jobs available for appraisers.

You have researched the requirements for your state, and the courses you need to take.  But you want to know what type of employment opportunities in real estate appraisals is waiting for you once to you pass the licensing examinations.

The first step in a new real estate appraisal career is fulfilling the trainee requirements.  A trainee real property appraiser doesn’t need any prior experience, but pre-licensure education is required.  After receiving the real property trainee license, the trainee must work under a licensed appraiser supervisor.

There are many different career options as a licensed or certified appraiser, generally broken into two groups.

Lender appraiser jobs

  • Work for lender to review appraisals – Banks are lending significant amounts of money for properties, so some feel that it is in their best interest to validate the appraisals that  they order for properties that are being used as collateral.  Licensed or certified appraisers can work for banks to validate appraisals.

Non-Lender appraiser jobs

  • Real estate appraisal companies – Real estate appraisal companies are in every community that are always hiring.  The company brings in the business, and the appraiser performs the appraisal.
  • Independent fee appraiser – Appraisers can work independently as their own company.  These appraisers perform their own appraisals, in which case they get to determine the fee charged for each appraisal, and keep all of the money from each appraisal.  As the company grows, these appraisers can hire employees to help with appraisals and give those employees a share of the fee of each appraisal.  The appraiser choosing to work for themselves should have industry contacts to sustain their business, and lead generation strategy to grow their business.  A website is a valuable tool to prove professionalism and generate leads from the internet.
  • City/state as tax assessor – Property taxes are the primary source of revenue for every city and town.  The tax assessor determines the value of properties so that the appropriate tax for each property is levied.

This is just a sample of the types of jobs available to an individual with a real property appraisal license.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for the real estate appraisal industry is strong.

If you are interested in starting your own appraisal business and need a professional website to advertise your skills, your specialties, your testimonials, and give visitors a way to contact you, Appraiser Sidekick can help.  We build cost effective websites for appraisers.

Current job openings for real estate appraisers

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